Sunday, April 15, 2007

Still working on the house, and such. All the kids are due for birthdays soon. Lizzy will be seven! Kim and I will have our seventeenth weding aniversery next month. Time is flying by. I'm hoping to have the Additiion done in the next 3 months. I'm ready to start enjoying the extra space. BTW I bought a new Mac last month. Its my first Intel based mac, and I love it!


Kimberly said...

This is an old pic of the house, I thought you would show off your beautiful siding? Your doing such a nice job on our house and I am so proud of you.

I love you and every minute of our 17 years!

Kevin VanHook said...

The house and the kids are growing like weeds! Good to see things are going well for you guys. Congrats on the new job and my best to the family.
